#Parameters should be used to load dynamic values into this script param($PCNameOrIP, $AssetVAR, $AssetURL, $ReaderID, $Screen) #In place of parameters, static values can be defined here for testing purposes # $PCNameOrIP = "" # $AssetVAR = "Image" # $AssetURL = "http://ctexp-web01-signage.westus.cloudapp.azure.com/media/files/EnvisioningTheater/Images/Government/ECC/EnvisioningTheater_Government_ECC_Scene2.png" # $ReaderID = "IMAGE" # $Screen = "1" #Define the command string used to pass an asset's path for the cotnent player PC $AssetCommand = "http://$PCNameOrIP"+":10561/player/command/RunScript?1=Player.SetVariable($AssetVAR,$AssetURL)&2=Player.SetVariable(Screen,$Screen)&3=Player.Command(SendReaderId,ReaderId=$ReaderID)" #Define the credentials used to pass commands to the cotnent player PC $Username = "ebc" $Password = "Cloud_33" $Domain = "" write-host Sending $AssetCommand #Pass the variable value to the cotnent player PC $webclient = new-object System.Net.WebClient $webclient.Credentials = new-object System.Net.NetworkCredential($Username, $Password, $Domain) $webpage = $webclient.DownloadString($AssetCommand)