Index,ArticleLayoutID,ArticleNavText,Headline,ArticleProgram,ArticleBody,ArticlePhoto,ArticlePhotoLarge,ArticleVideo,QRCode,ArticleLocation,LocationX,LocationY,Sort1,Sort2,Sort3,Sort4,Sort5,Sort6,Sort7,Sort8,Sort9,Sort10,Sort11,Sort12 1,C1,Digital Detectives,Digital Detectives: Battling Cybercrime Worldwide,Microsoft Digital Crimes Unit,"More than a million people are victims of cybercrime every day. In the last year, about half of all online adults and one in five small businesses were targets. Now, Microsoft’s state-of-the-art Cybercrime Center is helping them fight back. The center, which opened in November 2013, is a world-class command-central that brings together real-world cyber-detectives with the best tech tools. Together, they try to stay one move ahead of the world’s Internet criminals, making the web a much safer place for the rest of us.",,,,,"Redmond, Washington",585,1741,1,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2 2,C1,YouthSpark: 2 Years Later,Helping Young People Capture Opportunity,Microsoft YouthSpark,"Microsoft YouthSpark is our company-wide commitment to create new opportunities for 300 million youth by 2015. In its first two years – through 30+ programs – YouthSpark has created education, employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for more than 227 million young people in over 100 countries. Although there is much still to do, we're inspired by what we've seen so far: young people taking the lead in changing their lives and the lives of those around them.",,,,,Global,0,0,2,1,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3 3,C1,Training = Opportunity ,More Training = More Opportunity: Luis’ Story,Microsoft YouthSpark Grants,"Luis started working construction in Barcelona at 16, but when the sector collapsed, he found himself out of work. After a year of being turned down for jobs for being underqualified, he knew he needed a new plan. He signed up for free courses through Fundacion Esplai, a nonprofit supported by Microsoft YouthSpark. With a new IT qualification, Luis was able to get a job. He credits the training for giving him back his freedom. For Luis and many young people like him, more training means more opportunity.",,,,,"Barcelona, Spain",2182,1744,3,2,1,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4 4,C1,We Speak Code,We Speak Code – Do You? ,Microsoft YouthSpark – Computer Science,"Many 21st century jobs require computer science (CS) skills, but there is a growing gap between the number of people with these skills and the number of jobs requiring them. On top of that, many young people feel ill-prepared to pursue CS careers. That’s why Microsoft is a founding partner of, a nonprofit that wants every student in every school to have the opportunity to learn computer programming. Together, we’re challenging millions of students to use simple tools to try coding for one hour. Ready to try?",,,,,Global,0,0,4,3,2,1,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5 5,C1,Tech for Good: Office 365,Helping Nonprofits Do More Good with Office 365,Tech for Good – Office 365 for Nonprofits,"Microsoft works with more than 80,000 nonprofits around the world every year to provide them affordable access to the technology tools they need to support their local communities. In 2013, we were proud to add Office 365 donations to that list of tools. Now, nonprofits around the world can access web-based versions of the Office tools they know and love to boost their efficiency, control costs, and improve collaboration. With Office 365 donations, nonprofits can access powerful technology to help them do more good.",,,,,Global,0,0,5,4,3,2,1,12,11,10,9,8,7,6 6,C1,Responding to Disasters,Disaster Response: We’re Ready to Help,Microsoft Disaster and Humanitarian Response,"Microsoft has provided support for more than 200 natural disasters over the years, and continues to pursue innovations to make disaster response more effective. In times of disaster, technology can help save lives by enabling people to stay safe, informed, and connected. Tools like our free mobile app, HelpBridge, allow those impacted to get or give help at the touch of button. No one knows when or where disaster may strike, but when it does, we’re ready to help. We want communities, first-responders, and you to be too.",,,,,Global,0,0,6,5,4,3,2,1,12,11,10,9,8,7 7,C2,Employee Giving at Microsoft,Employee Giving: At the Heart of our Culture,Microsoft Employee Giving ,"At Microsoft, giving is ingrained in our culture; it’s at the heart of our citizenship. When our giving program began in 1983, 200 employees raised $17,000. Today, more than 39,000 employees participate, giving time, talent and cash to the causes they care about. Since the program’s start, U.S. employees have raised more than $1 billion and volunteered over 2 million hours to support community organizations around the world. And they’ll be the first to tell you – giving is one of the most rewarding aspects of their jobs.",,,,,Global,0,0,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,12,11,10,9,8 8,C2,Microsoft Goes Carbon Neutral,"Lean, Green & Carbon Neutral",Microsoft Environmental Sustainability,"Climate change presents serious challenges that require bold responses. In 2012, our bold response was a commitment to become carbon neutral. To do so, we instituted a carbon fee, which put an internal price on carbon, pushing us to consider the environment in every business decision. We are proud to report we achieved carbon neutrality in 2013 (and aim to again in 2014!), but we’re even more proud that we developed an approach that allows us to keep the environment at the center of how we work – now and in the future.",,,,,Global,0,0,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,12,11,10,9 9,C1,Youth Builds EPIC Homes,Youth Build EPIC Homes for the Poor,Microsoft YouthSpark Live,"John-Son Oei grew up in Malaysia. In 2010, during a volunteer trip to paint houses for the indigenous people of his country, he was shocked to find a house in such disrepair it was not even safe to paint. This sparked his idea for EPIC Homes, a social enterprise that uses an innovative approach to build affordable homes with volunteers. John-son teamed up with some savvy peers at a YouthSpark Live event, and today they are building safe family homes using a perfect blend of sweat-equity, community, and smart technology.",,,,,Malaysia,3456,2280,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,12,11,10 10,C1,Girls Who Code,Code Like a Girl –Teen Girls Take Home Kodu Kup,Microsoft YouthSpark – Kodu Kup,"The Kodu Kup challenges students ages 7 through 14 to create a game using the free Microsoft coding language, Kodu. Ignoring the stereotype that coding is “for boys,” three friends from a small Welsh town – Holly Bridges, Shauna Coates and Kayleigh Bennett – combined their passion for gaming and love of horror movies to take the Kup. Now they are working on a new game that they hope will win them the next contest. Win or lose, they have already shown they have what it takes to pursue their dream careers in game design.",,,,,"South Wales, UK",2106,1595,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,12,11 11,C1,Technology Empowers Us All,Technology: Empowering Us All,Tech for Good,"Microsoft was immensely proud to share the stories of how technology can empower us all during Super Bowl 2014. While the commercial lasted just 60 seconds, the families who shared their stories have been impacted for a lifetime. Technology has helped them play, speak, hear, create, heal, connect, and live. As narrator Steve Gleason tells us (using special eye gazer technology to help him speak), “Technology has taken us places we’ve only dreamed.” We can’t wait to see – and shape – where it takes us next.",,,,,Global,0,0,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,12 12,C1,IT Skills Open Doors,IT Skills Give Youth a Career Choice,Microsoft YouthSpark Grants,"Yutiao Wang was born in a rural village in China. Her parents could not afford to send her to high school and worried about her career options without more training. At age 19, when Yutiao heard about free Microsoft classes in Beijing, she knew she had to go. She took the bus 3 hours each way to learn Microsoft Office, eventually landing an office job in the city. Now 23, Yutiao supports her parents and continues to learn. IT skills enabled Yutiao to get a good job, and – more importantly – to have a career choice.",,,,,"Beijing, China",3626,1783,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1